Please be mindful that the Steel Bones office closes at Christmas and take the festive bank holidays to refresh, revive ready for a jam packed 2024. We will be closed from 3pm on 22nd December and reopen on 4th January. We know these times are very tricky and lonely...
This is an excellent link to Mental Health Crisis Lines: This is a link to some very helpful NHS Audio Guides:...
We love celebrating Mental Health Awareness Week. It is ok not to be ok and we are passionate about removing the stigma associated with maintaining mental wellbeing. Life is always full of so many pressures, lockdown or not, nothing changes and we want to share some...
Some fab advice from our friends at the Positivity Blog ….. If you’re anything like me then you’ve been there many times. You’re sitting in a waiting room. Or just waiting somewhere. Soon it will begin. Your leg is starting to shake nervously. Your hands are...
🔊 Play We asked Steel Bones Community to contribute their words of wisdom that get them through the tough times. Here’s what they had to say…. “Not my circus,not my monkeys!” Kate Mabon “Live for today, yesterday is gone an...
TOP ADVICE FROM FELLOW WARRIORS Emma Joy-Staines, Founder, UK 20 September 2016 Lesson 1 : Love ya stump as nothing else is going to grow back. Wayne Harrod Stay strong but accept help from family and friends. It’s not a sign of weakness Geoffrey Bull...
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