We have been hearing about a few incidences where amputees have been refused the opportunity to ride rollercoasters, quite often this is for insurance purposes. However, we are keen to find out more and look at some of the questionable signage. Before we got to the...
WOW THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO JOINED US for Celebration Day 2021. We ZOOMED like we have never ZOOMED BEFORE 🙂 THANK YOU to: Para Tri Athlete, Hannah Moore for giving our very special announcements @AcroIrisCambridgeSambaBand for the best intro All our...
We know benefit applications can be such a complicated, drawn out and degrading experience. We have an amazing Volunteer called Wendy who has volunteered previously with Citizens Advice Bureau, she is an Amputee herself and has done marvellous work in helping...
Hey Steel Bones Families Welcome to the Steel Bones Community. You will be receiving your free support pack and your Celebration Day pack this week. We would love to say a MASSIVE MASSIVE THANK YOU to all the Steel Bones Champions who packed 700 packs to be mailed...
We know there are many budding poets in the Steel Bones Community, so we are THRILLED to launch our 2021 Poetry Competition. We ask anyone who loves writing or words, to enter a poem into our competition. The theme of which is CELEBRATION, CONNECTION &...
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