This month we have chosen to feature Geoff who we often call Judge Ennals or Judge Geoff. He is a fountain of knowledge and with such a wise, astute mind he knows exactly how best to approach any sticky battles our families are experiencing. He has helped many Steel Bones Families with battles, in which the authorities/companies either were not listening to or we could not get to the right person. Judge Ennals strikes quoting procedures, rules and action starts to happen. This has been often at the end of a long, weary battle for the family and it has been such a relief for them to finally get answers.
Today is a most special day, GEOFF TURNS 60 TODAY A BIG BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!!!! against all odds you have defied doctors and battled on, it is so wonderful to be able to wish you a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ALL OF US AT STEEL BONES.and BIG BIG THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO 🙂 Thank you also for letting us share your story.
What’s your name, how old are you?
Geoff Ennals 60 years
Who lives with you and how old are they? Tell us a little bit about them what are their favourite colours or hobbies?
My wife Sue who loves running and treats a marathon like a walk in the park and does agility with our Collie dogs’ bill and skye. My sons Josh 24 sadly not a well young man due to medical negligence and Dominic who is twenty one and a god send to josh and us who loves his Honda 650r bike while helping his brother heaps And the two Dogs Bill and Skye
When did you become an amputee?
I became an amputee October 2015 after struggling for 46 years and twenty eight surgeries trying to keep a crushed left foot, my parents were emigrating to Australia two days after the accident ware a wall fell on me after climbing it to get conkers for the long Voyage, my accident prevented that from ever happening
Have you got a name for your “stump”?
No As I now have no pain as I lived with four 46 years
What was the biggest concern of being an amputee?
none really as since my foot was amputated I am pain free. Again none as I faced anther three major operations that would most probably end up with amputation any way as the Surgeon Pointed out.
Were you able to work as an amputee? How do you spend your days?
Yes I am it was a engineer and loved my job and took to wearing a prosthetic very quickly
What’s been the biggest challenge you have had to overcome and how did you overcome it?
Dealing with a very long protracted legal argument when sadly at 16 josh was left brain damaged because of miss diagnosis by our local hospital when the GP gave him an admission letter for orbital cellulitis yet they decided she was wrong and it took over a week to accept their mistake this caused irreversible brain damage. But thankfully he’s still with us
We love going out as a family and before joshes problems loved going away in our Motorhome
Have you got any funny memories that have happened since your amputation?
Yes I drive a silk 350 convertible and have often been criticised for parking in a blue badge space! When I exit my car I hold up my partial left hand from an accident when I was 27 and point at my prosthetic saying is this disabled enough for you
When did you come across Steel Bones? What does Steel Bones do for your family?
I am friends with several amputee people and I was introduced to it by Sarah smith. I love steel bones and have turned my skills to help a few families I have met. Emleigh calls me Judge Geoff lol but always happy to dig in and help anyone in the Steel Bones family group if they have a problem, as I say everything has a rule and In most cases those in the wrong in firms will fire off comments and emails without first checking their own rule book thus winning the day in favour for a couple to date and hope to help any others that have a dispute. I admire Emleigh and all the team for all they do.
What would you most like to achieve? Small or big is there one thing you hope to accomplish?
Sadly I have an underlying health problem that I aim to beat.
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