We know maintaining our mental wellbeing is absolutely crucial during these uncertain times.  We have been hosting a wellbeing hour with our Wellbeing Guru, Linda Barbour of Calm for Change.  Here are the recorded sessions, which all participants have agreed to sharing, please bear in mind it is confidential and only for use to help you gain some tips for maintaining your own mental health.  If you have any queries following these, please contact us on 01223734000 or at hello@steelbone.co.uk

Topic: Wellbeing Hour
Start Time : May 5, 2020 10:56 AM
Meeting Recording:

Topic: Wellbeing Hour
Start Time : Jun 11, 2020 10:01 AM
Meeting Recording

Access Password: 0D^6#&$8

A great book on sleep was recommended: Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams https://buff.ly/3heo6E2

Along with the 7/11 breathing technique to help keep us grounded and steady in tricky times: https://buff.ly/2Uzdki0

Here’s a link to sign up for some instant calmers direct to your inbox from our Well-being Guru http://lindabarbour.co.uk/instant-calmers/