HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO RESPONDED TO OUR SURVEY. We received 181 responses in total and we have a winner for our £50 amazon gift card through our random number selctor, which w3as allocated as to the position your submitted the form. Well Done Doug for winning the voucher, this has been sent now.

Breakdown of ages of respondents and also prosthetic/wheelchair use:

As a result, we can now plan our future activities knowing what is most important to you.  The top 3 priorities identified in the survey by respondents were:

  1. Maximising income and financial support through benefit application support and information on grants available to you
  2. Information and signposting of services/activities relevant to you
  3. Meeting others like you

We are now seeking funding to formalise the benefits support programme and establish a team to manage the huge amount of enquiries we receive.  Just last year 189 families were supported with Benefits and Housing advice.  We know this is a crucial area that we need to extend urgently.  We have increased our meet ups by one third with 12 local meet ups running.  We continue to host a range of other events including our Christmas and Summer Get togethers.  There will be more to come too.  We are now running 6 fitness clubs and looking to launch a National Partnership to ensure these inclusive fitness sessions are open to as many people as possible.

We know keeping our events and activities free ensures they remain open to all, so we are so excited to be able to have an exciting year ahead and no doubt more will be added as funding is confirmed.We now run an NHS resources webpage and ENewsletter so are working more closely than ever with those clinicians who know how crucial peer support is to rehabilitation. We have a list of areas we know we wnat tot ackle, we are carefully building these up to ensure they are launched int he best way possible with locals at the heart of them.  The meet ups do rely on local volunteers to help us shape what it needs and only with local amputees attending can they continue.  If you would like to launch a local meet up with our support please get in touch with 

We were thrilled to know the amount of different topicsw you are all keen to hear about. We are planning a prosthetics talk to happen very soon.

What came over really strongly was how much you value our proactive support which makes a real difference to your lives.  This is exactly why we exist, to ensure you have the back up you need to live your life as you wish. 94% of respondents said they would strongly recommend us to others, an icnreaee of 11% on last year’s figures – BIG THANK YOU FOR THIS.  This word of mouth recommendation is the most important to us because our mission is to help as many amputees and their families as possible. We will endeavour to build upon this going forward too and keep improving what we can provide.

Some other key information: 

89% felt Steel Bones had made them feel more motivated

78% found it helpful to share your experiences with other amputees and their families through Steel Bones.

We had some really wonderful comments from respondents:

  • Could some of the coffee events be on different days. I’m always busy on Wednesday so cannot attend
  • Coffee morning catch ups are always good for amputee groups
  • I really like seeing the Facebook posts, planned activities etc, which I hope to attend once I’m driving again
  • Can’t wait for the paintballing!
  • It’s difficult to travel far to events, meet ups etc so perhaps more locations for these
  • don’t know
  • So appreciate your help and knowledge
  • Thank you
  • Steelbones doesn’t seem to operate in the Southwest.
  • I always like to hear how others cope with their amp life.
  • Steel Bones has had a fantastic and positive impression on me and my family
  • Still learning about all you do
  • Fantastic service
  • more info for people with both legs amputated above knee
  • I think steel bones is a great charity for amputees
  • Money donated helped us buy bigger bed and sofa’s which have helped so much
  • Steel bones is and amazing charity which provides information that we can normally wouldn’t be told as disabled people get discriminated against on and daily basis
  • Online via zoom keep fit sessions for all prosthetic users plus wheelchair users
  • I have enjoyed going to the gym,I have not been recently as I have joint damage to shoulder.Once this is resolved I shall be returning.
  • More social events at evenings or weekends so people who work can attend. Always feel I am missing out due to work
  • Steel Bones is amazing and I’m very grateful for you all!
  • Could steel bones enhance their services to those who use walkers and may eventually lose their limbs through diabetes or blood clotting symptoms I understand NHS should be covering these issues but the service is not available in certain areas of the country.
  • Some online groups, sessions. Including keeping fit, physio, mindfulness
  • It’s really hard being an upper arm amputee, as we are so rare we get missed under the umbrella of amputee. (not a criticism). My answer to question 2 is neither.
  • Steel Bones offer excellent support. Perhaps would like more coffee mornings/face to face meetings in Bury St. Edmunds area.
  • More events in the southeast
  • Meetings nearer to lowestoft
  • Steel bones is great
  • I am out of area but you have still helped me
  • The Elevate gym sessions are the best with other amputees like me
  • I’d like more information about improving housing.
  • Create a one time focus group with people related to my situation
  • Thank you for asking questions. I have always supported you. I hope you will do more.
  • Prostheses can help me do more things and let my relatives have more time to do other things.
  • Through Steel Bones I have found it helpful to share my experience with others.
  • Love
  • I find Steel Bones a great source of information – I’m not one for ‘joining in’ with social situations as I have anxiety but I enjoy the website and emails – thought I was sad not to receive a Christmas card this time!
  • The support you give is incredibly important to the disabled community
  • Working with the hospitals, I think it would help amputee patients if there was a booklet about what was going to happen and general information about prosthetics, residual limb care, when to make an appointment etc. when it first happens there are so many new things to find out and learn.
  • We picked up a Steel Bones leaflet from the hospital and found it very helpful.It seemed a little daunting when we first contacted them…but we were put at ease straight away.It helps athat you are speaking with someone who has been through the same or similar experience and that you are not alone.
  • Can we have more meet ups face to face. Do a lot more fundraisers for steel bones
  • No ideas or suggestions
  • Fabulous organisation
  • Local meet up more often
  • Would like more events in Ipswich
  • Steel bone has helped me conect with others and given me the confidence to push myself more and given me more confidence to talk about my experience and want to help more people too
  • Good to know that there is someone there for advice
  • Thank you
  • Keep on doing what you’re doing. I appreciate it!
  • I find most events are too far for me
  • Keep up what you do you certainly make a huge positive impact on so many people and their families
  • I absolutely love that steel bones provides information for amputees
  • I am really focus on finding a job but it is very tough.
  • I wish that I could meet other amputees like myself but all meet ups and events are too far away from where I live.
  • make all volunteers and members aware of information not just some
  • Steel bones has been there for me both physically and mentally from advice to finding a well needed day out id be lost without them
  • Until I saw poster in limb fitting clinic 9 at Addenbrookes a few years ago I never knew you existed
  • Could you kindly let me know about Yellow and other cards and how to apply, please?
  • Appreciate all your hard work. Very friendly, helpful, supportive and motivated team! Love to attend on your events!
  • Nothing at the moment
  • A really lovely group