A HUGE HUGE THANK YOU TO Anglia Translations Ltd for providing us with invaluable translations of our key posters – Clinic posters and Celebration Day. These important documents will ensure that all those who need our services will know where to find us. We really cannot thank Mary and her team enough – they have been fantastic to work with and so very quick. These skills are invaluable to us as is their support. THANK YOU SO MUCH

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Please see Anglia Translations comments below…
As part of our commitment to Sharing Our Specialist Skills, we recently completed some pro-bono translation work for Steel Bones UK, an incredible charity which supports amputee families to live their lives to the full, while helping them overcome the trauma of amputation.
We were able to translate three informational posters into hashtag Arabic, hashtag Urdu and hashtag Hindi which were displayed in religious buildings, clinics and surgeries to help reach various communities that may require help and support after an amputation.
When we set out on our hashtag CorporateSocialResponsibility journey, this is exactly what we had in mind!
And thank you Emma Joy-Staines for the kind words!
You can find out more about the amazing work that Steel Bones UK do here: https://steelbone.co.uk/
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