We spent a memorable Good Friday in warrior gear paintballing.  We have first hand reviews coming shortly from participants to give you a good idea as to what it was like paintballing with prosthetics.  The place we went too, is fmailiar with wheelchairs attending too so if you would like to be added to the list to join us next time email hello@steelbone.co.uk or ring us on 01223734000
You can sse the photos at this link: Paintballing


From Sunil:

I have written the following review to give other amputees a good idea as to what it was like paintballing with prosthetics, from the perspective of an above-knee amputee with a prosthetic leg, with limited mobility and using two crutches. There was a lot of trepidation with the whole group about what to expect from the event before the event started, but once it got going it was very well organised from start to finish.  It started with getting into camouflage gear, an overall that fitted over clothes and prosthesis, which was not too difficult to get on, and safety mask to cover the face. The information and safety briefing provided all the information needed to address any nervousness but kept the sense of excitement going.

Combat Paintball Ltd in Thetford Forest was quite accessible, and we were all able to park outside the main entrance. We were very fortunate with the weather, which was warm and dry with games largely being played in the daylight, with the forest floor largely dry with small mud patches that could easily be walked around. It was a forest floor; it was generally flat and accessible for those with mobility concerns. We played three games and were on site in total for c.3 hours, including the briefing, the games, short breaks in between each game for a quick cup of tea, and a break for food. Food was fine, a quick burger, or hot dog or jacket potato. The staff were very accommodating and flexible with their timing to allow the group to enjoy the experience without feeling under pressure or rushed. The last game was played in the dark (early evening) with floodlights on but walking to and from the arena in the dark made it a bit trickier having to avoid the muddy patches which could be slippery. Had it been raining or wet underfoot it is likely to have made it more difficult for the amputees.

The staff were informative, friendly, and supportive to help the amputees in what was a mixed age and ability group. Steel Bones had the session to itself, with a couple of dozen people in the group. In each game the staff helped the amputees get into position further up the arena, so we were in the midst of the action, but without having to do the running around, and they helped with carrying the gun (which was heavy) to and from the arena.

This is something I had never done before or even thought about doing as an amputee. I was able participate throughout thanks to the support from the friendly and accommodating staff of Combat Paintball Ltd and with the encouragement and knowledge that I was doing this with other amputees and our families as part of the Steel Bones group. I had the added bonus of being able to take part in such an enjoyable and active event with my children, again this is something we have never considered doing as an amputee family. Although this was quite a tiring event for the amputees, overall, it was a fantastic, safe, and memorable event for all, and something I hope Steel Bones organises again in the future and would encourage and recommend to other amputees who would otherwise be hesitant to try this. A big thank you to Steel Bones for organising the event

From Wendy: My experience as an amputee going paintballing.  Paintballing was not something I had considered I would be able to do as an amputee. I may not be able to crouch down on the ground or crawl around undercover, but that didn’t stop the paintballing event being great fun.

We started off donning our camouflage boiler suits which had wide legs and attached poppers at the bottom to tighten, so I could put it on over my prosthetic leg very well. We also collected a padded balaclava and a safety helmet. Then off for our safety talk with our instructors explaining all the do’s and don’ts for our session.

We were told never to aim at the head but to aim anywhere else (I’ll come back to this one in a moment)!! along with other safety instructions and how to show the group we were out of the game by raising our weapon in the air.

So, after collecting our guns, pre-loaded with bright pink balls, and a quick practice, we head off to the first game.

Because of my mobility issues, I headed for a pill box with window frames either side and to the front. I lean against the corner frame with a clear view to the front and side. The game starts as does the adrenaline! I’m aiming at the shadowy figures moving from hideout to hideout. Suddenly a figure appears at my side window, makes me jump out of my skin and shots me in the arm. What did I do – shot him straight in the side of the head! Remember our safety instructions from above! I thought I was in trouble and would be escorted off the game site! But no, the instructor said it was ‘fight or flight’ and although I shot a person in the head it was classed as an automatic reaction. Phew!!! That was my game over though with a bright pink splat on my arm.

We had a dinner break of hot dogs or burgers and a drink, then two more games. I know I shot a few people but in return, I took a shot to the hand in the next game, instant bruise and one to the thigh, again, a perfectly round bruise developed. Gutted that I ran out of paintballs in the last game!

All in all, it was one of the best things I have had the chance to take part in. Walking from game to game was quite slow for me as I also use a stick, but certainly not impossible. The instructors looked after the amputees very well. We were never rushed or treated differently.  If the opportunity comes up again, I know for sure my name will be on the registration form. It really was great fun and I’d say to anyone, give it a go!