It was a brilliant day full of amputee experts, inspirational amputees and amazing amputee organisations such as LIMBPOWER and LIMBLESS ASSOCIATION. I attended to represent STEEL BONES families and thoroughly enjoyed meeting the experts and delegates from across the country.

The conference opened with an amazing dance performance by Annabelle Turner lost her leg as a victim of a car crash on her walk to uni she completed her law degree and is currently a trainee solicitor and a keen dancer. I was personally blown away by it and so inspired think we shall definitely be incorporating some dance at the next STEEL BONES event. Here’s some of Annabelle’s dance for you to enjoy

We then heard a most frank and honest talk through Prosthetics from PACE’s Paul Richardson. I nodded my head so many times thought it might shake off lol but was such a relief to hear someone speak so directly and brilliantly so in tune with the amputee’s experience. 


We were then treated to a talk by Chris Bright QC from No 5 Chambers who reminded me of some very bizarre amputee news stories check these out for a bizarre read …

After an early delicious lunch break we were entreated to a talk with The inspirational Vicky Balch on her return from filming a fantastic BBC series in VIETNAM

This was followed by experts in the fields of castings, Sockets, prosthetics and what became extremely clear is the technology being worked on far extends anything available on the NHS and what was stressed is we need to ensure  the market catches up with the technology as the impact it has on amputees’ lives is phenomenal.

I most enjoyed hearing from Felix Brinkmann of Freedom Innovations with news of a fantastic new ankle system here’s a couple of clips for you …

The conference ended with a talk from Andy Brittles at LIMBPOWER who talked through the research they had conducted which highlighted the urgency and importance to increase physical activity amongst amputees.

I had to scoot off during that as I had to catch a train but it was a fantastic way to end what had been a thoroughly fascinating and enjoyable day within the amputee community.  It was a great success and huge congratulations to all the PACE team who I found were so incredibly down to earth and welcoming.  That goes right throughout the organisation.  Leigh and I head there during Half Term to see what they can do to help strengthen Leigh’s legs and I’m now really looking forward to hearing their fresh perspective on his prosthetics and what rehab support we can hopefully look at.

Massive THANK YOU TO PACE for a fantastic event and for having STEEL BONES represented greatly appreciate the opportunity. We can’t wait for next year who else is going?