Virtually all standard musical instruments require ten highly dextrous fingers so music-making becomes an even greater challenge than usual if you are an amputee. This is where the OHMI Trust comes in. OHMI (pronounced Oh Me) is a charity working to remove the barriers to music-making for those with a range of physical impairments affecting upper limbs.
The OHMI Trust source adapted instruments and supportive apparatus through their international design competition. Everyone is welcome to submit solutions to the competition and the next round closes on 1st May 2020.
The OHMI Music-Makers teaching programme supports music lessons using adapted instruments/equipment either for individuals or for those participating in Whole Class Ensemble sessions (usually in primary schools).
Adapted instruments and supportive apparatus are available to people of all ages through the OHMI Hire Scheme. This enables those with upper limb differences to try the equipment for at least a year and ensure that it meets their musical interests and physical needs before committing to buy it for themselves.
If you would like to find out more please go to: http://www.ohmi.org.uk/
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