The Cambridge Amputee Football team were invited on a VIP Mascot, meet the players experience with Cambridge United. The Sun Newspaper filmed the experience with us too to help raise the profile of the incredible players. Click here to see the Cambridge United Community Trust info about it: The players and their families joined for a very special evening and it was great to see Cambridge play too. Here’s some photos from the night. Our Founders, Emma and Leigh Joy-Staines even caught up with one of their football heroes, David Forde.











Marc Pitman was also named Community Hero for the match representing the phenomenal Snowdon Amputee team. We also had a great article in the programme too.










We were also given the opportunity to do a bucket shake and raised much needed funds to help keep the team going. Thank you everyone who donated and MASSIVE THANK TO CAMBRIDGE UNITED COMMUNITY TRUST FOR MAKING IT POSSIBLE, special thanks to Sam Gormasall at Cambridge United Community Trust for organising everything.