We are THRILLED to launch another Christmas Card Competition for 2022. After the huge success of 2020 AND 2021 with incredible designs from amazing artists we are keen to run it again. With support from Limelight Design and Print, the winning entry will be put onto...
STEEL BONES ARE LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO THE AMPUTEE COMMUNITY. Every single minute of your time makes a difference whether its 3 hours a week or 1 hour every once in a while, whatever it be we are so grateful to all our volunteers who make...
The cost of living crisis plus the further fuel increase today is shocking and extremely worrying. This impacts everyone in The amputee community hugely. YOU ARE NOT ALONE get in touch with us 01223734000 to talk it through or contact any of the support lines...
Our sincerest condolences are with the Royal Family on the passing of their beloved Mother and Grandmother and to all across the World who admired our magnificent Monarch. Long live the King. In these saddest and uncertain times let us not forget we are not alone....
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