We know it can be so challenging to return to work following amputation.  Beyond the physical and emotional hurdles, many amputees encounter significant obstacles when re-entering the workforce or pursuing new career paths. So we are calling on professionals in Careers to volunteer their time and expertise to support amputees in their career journeys. Your knowledge and experience can be the key to unlocking new opportunities and restoring confidence for those who need it most.

Why Your Experience Matters

Career guidance is invaluable, especially for individuals who may feel their options are limited due to physical disabilities. As someone who has navigated the professional world, you possess insights and advice that can help amputees overcome barriers and thrive in their chosen fields. Whether you’re a seasoned business leader, an HR expert, a skilled tradesperson, or an entrepreneurial spirit, your unique perspective can offer hope and direction.

We also need to hear from amputees who have tarnsferred their skills to a new job or returned to their job they had pre amputation.

If you have a story to tell us about how you got back into work following amputation or you can spare some time every quarter reviewing CVs and giving some gudiance please email hello@steelbone.co.uk