We hope you are having a fantastic week.  Huge welcome to all our new members.  We will be sending out a Bumper ENewsletter SOON but wanted to send a separate email dedicated to the NEW DRAFT specification for the NHS Prosthetic Service. You can read all about it below.

This has been in the making for several years and NOW IS THE TIME FOR YOUR SAY.  We do urge everyone to take some time to read through it as it will determine how your NHS Prosthetics are provided. You need to respond on the form by 31st May 2024. 

If you want to discuss this further or anything else ring 01223734000, or email hello@steelbone.co.uk.  


It is vital we ensure every amputee is aware of this revised specification and that, whilst it does take time, you take the opportunity to respond and give your views on this crucial service which has such a massive impact on your life.Please read below the email which was sent to Stakeholders registered.

To respond to this draft specification you must first register: https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/application/crg-stakeholder-reg-april-2019/consultation/intro/
Then complete this form: 
our stakeholder response form

Dear Stakeholder

As someone who has registered as a stakeholder for the Rehabilitation and complex disability and spinal cord injury Clinical Reference Group (CRG), or who may have a specific interest in this area, we would like to seek your views on changes that have been recommended by this Specialised Services CRG to the existing service specification for Amputee Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Services for People of All Ages with Limb Loss and Limb Difference.

You are welcome to respond on behalf of your group or organisation, or as an individual. You may wish to consult others as part of your response, or you can forward details to other stakeholders. You must declare any conflict of interests relating to this document or service area.

Please read these documents and then respond via our stakeholder response form for Amputee Rehabilitation and Prosthetics Services for People of All Ages with Limb Loss and Limb Difference.

Please submit your feedback by 31 May 2024 

If you have any questions about this stakeholder survey, please email england.scengagement@nhs.net

What happens next?

Once NHS England has reviewed all stakeholder feedback, if there are potential impacts on patients that need further engagement, the policy will go out to public consultation. If wider consultation does take place you, along with other stakeholders, will be welcome to comment on the proposal again.

If this email has been forwarded to you and you would like to receive updates directly from NHS England in future, please do sign up as a stakeholder on our website Clinical Reference Group Stakeholder Registration – NHS England – Citizen Space for any of the CRGs which cover your areas of interest.
Thank you very much for your input as a stakeholder in this area.
Kind regards
NHS England’s Trauma Programme of Care