NHS & Health Professionals
Collaborating with NHS
The NHS does a fantastic job of managing people’s health, treating the serious conditions leading to amputation and in the recovery afterwards. On leaving hospital amputees and their families may face many challenges:
- Loss of employment
- Finance and housing issues
- Amputees or their families not accepting the change
- A loss of self-purpose
- Bullying for children
Everyone is different and this is where the Steel Bone’s community can help amputees and their families adapt to the changes in their lives from before the amputation takes place to many years afterwards. We provide a range of services to support your patients.

Peer Support Groups Are Crucial
- 47% of our community met amputees for the first time through Steel Bones. 32% of those people have been an amputee for more than 5 years.
- 73% of our suvey participants felt more independent & 86% feel more motivated.
- 80% felt Steel Bones had improved their quality of life.
- 87% felt sharing their experience with peers was helpful.
Immediate help for anyone struggling to access benefits or accessible housing:
Housing Support: Click Here For Help
Benefits Guidance: Click Here For Help
Practical Support We Provide All Amputees
FREE Support pack to every new amputee family when they register with us: https://database.steelbone.co.uk/register
- Provide 1-2-1 mentoring to those in deep crises.
- Free national events and activities plus local meet ups across England https://steelbone.co.uk/events/
- Weekly online coffee catch ups.
- Fitness clubs in areas we secure funding for.
- Benefits application support and advice.
- Published a children’s book to help the younger family members.
- School workshops.
- National telephone line manned by amputees 01223 734000
- Volunteering opportunities for amputees and their family members.
- We continue to expand so recruit from within the community.
If you have patients either facing an amputation or are already amputees please let them know about steel bones. We are happy help with a friendly chat, help with specific needs or just enable them to meet other people facing similar circumstances.

* * * Feel free to download our NHS Pack Here * * *
All our services, support, events and resources are free.
They are inclusive to all amputees, their families and
professionals working with them.
We are the fastest growing civilian amputee charity in the UK.

We Need Your Help
The highest incentive for both patients and family members to join our community was for the social events and coffee mornings. The demand is therefore starting to increase tenfold.
We know the model we have works with quick and powerful results. We therefore need your help to ensure every amputee is aware of what support is available to them.
We can support you and your team to run your own patient invovlement group and look for funding to provide a weekly fitness club and monthly/quarterly meet ups. Each group is different and we will work with you to fidn out what works best for the clinicans and patients.
We are thankful to the help and support from the NHS
03333 606930
c/o The Beeches
32 Mill Street
Cambs CB7 5RY
Register here to receive your
FREE Support Pack
If you need some urgent help or support,
please ring the team on 03333 606930